This is one of the largest district and popular city in Bangladesh. It is called 2nd Dhaka. One the largest sea port in Bangladesh and largest business city in Bangladesh. Chittagong postal code is actually 4000 which is mainly Chittagong GPO postal code. Chattogram Sadar is the main thana and it is under city corporation area.
Chittagong Postal Code: 4000
Chittagong Bandar Postal Code: 4100
Sagorika BSCIC Industrial Area: 4217
Halishshar Postal Code: 4225
Jalalabad Postal Code: 4214
Pahartoli Postal Code: 4202
Chittagong Airport Postal Code: 4205
- Thana: Chattogram Sadar
- District: Chattogram
- Division: Chattogram
- Country: Bangladesh
Popular places:
- Foy’s Lake Amusement World, Chattogram Sadar 4000
- Shah Amanat International Airport, Chattogram Sadar 4205
Chittagong map: