This is one of the best school in Shaplabagh Abashik area in Sylhet. Most of the teachers in this schools are highly educated. This school is beside Syed Burhan Uddin road in Turukbag, Gopalganj, Sylhet. Salam Mokbul High School is not a school it is more than a school. Our school is one pf the greatest school in the world in my words. It is like a place of peace for students. The teachers and the colleges of this school is very good and specifically our head teacher is so good and nice person who cares the students as like his own children.
College code / EIIN / EMIS Code is 130283
- Area: Turukbag, Gopalganj
- District: Sylhet
- Division: Sylhet
- Country: Bangladesh
- Phone: 01738-441118
- Mob: +8801738-441118
- Founded: 1999