This is one of the popular thana in the Comilla district. This is popular for Laksam Railway Junction. Laksam postal code is 3570. Lakshamanpur is under Laksam thana but the postal code is different. Lakshamanpur postal code is 3571. Bipulasar is also under this area. But the postal code is different. Bipulasar postal code is 3572.
The location of Misree is just beside Laksam. So the postal code is also the same. Kundra is also under this area. So, the postal code is also the same. Gazaria is also under this area. So the postal code os this area is also the same.
Comilla Postal Code: 3570
Bipulasar Postal Code: 3572
- Thana: Laksam
- District: Cumilla
- Division: Chattogram
- Country: Bangladesh
Popular place:
- Laksam Government Pilot High School, Laksam,
Cumilla , Bangladesh - Laksam Pilot Girls High School, Laksam, Cumilla, Bangladesh
- Akbbarer Nesa Girls High School, Laksam, Cumilla, Bangladesh