Hazaribagh postal code Dhaka

hazaribagh postal code Dhaka

It is under Dhanmondi thana, so the postal code is the same. This is one of the largest and popular area in Dhaka city. Hazaribagh Dhaka postal code is the same as Dhanmondi postal code. Dhaka Tanary is under Hazaribag area, so the postal code is also the same. Zigatola is under Hazaribag area, so the postal code is also the same. Main postal code is 1209 but if you use postsl code 1205, it is also right. Most of the people use it as Newmarket postal code.

Hazaribagh postal code: 1209

  • Thana: Dhanmondi
  • District: Dhaka
  • Division: Dhaka
  • Country: Bangladesh

Popular place:

  • Institute of Leather Engineering & Technology, Hazaribag, Dhaka 1209.
  • Dhaka Tannery, Hazaribag, Dhaka 1209.

Hazaribag map: