This is one of the popular places in Sylhet. This is under Sylhet Sadar area. So the postal code os this area is the same. Kalighat road is under this area. So the postal code od this area is also the same. This is beside Jatapur, Chararpar and Bandar Bazar area.
This location is just beside Surma river. Kamalgarh road is under this area so the kamalgarh postal code is also the same as this area. Amjad Ali road is also under this area so this postal code os this area is also the same.
Chalibandar postal code: 3100
- Thana: Sylhet Sadar
- District: Sylhet
- Division: Sylhet
- Country: Bangladesh
Popular place:
- Kolou Kali Prosidoti, Kalighat, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet 3100.
- Chalibondor Jame Masjid, Chalibandar, Sylhet Sadar, Sylhet 3100.