Baridhara DOHS is beside Dhaka Cantonment, Kuril, Gulshan and Baridhara. Baridhara dohs zip code is same as Dhaka Cantonment. So the postal code of Baridhara DOHS is 1206. It is mainly residential area but some of the buying house and software farms make their business smoothly in Baridhara. This is one of the best secure place in Dhaka city, so everybody are happy.
Their is a large Convention center beside Baridhara, so everybody can use it for party. There is a very good school, so most of the guardians are tension free about their children. Educational standard is very high, so students are going meritorious.
Baridhara dohs postal code: 1206
- Thana: Dhaka cantonment
- District: Dhaka
- Division: Dhaka
- Country: Bangladesh
Popular place:
Baridhara Scholars Institution, Baridhara dohs, Dhaka 1206.
Anannya Shopping Complex, Baridhara dohs, Dhaka 1206.
Baridhara DOHS Convention Center, Baridhara dohs, Dhaka 1206.